Abke Jörg, Brune Philipp, Haupt Wolfram, Hagel Georg, Landes Dieter, Mottok Jürgen, Niemetz Michael, Pfeiffer Volkhard, Studt Reimer, Schroll-Decker Irmgard, Sedelmaier Yvonne
EVELIN – ein Forschungsprojekt zur systematischen Verbesserung des Lernens von Software Engineering.Tagungsband des ESE-Kongress 2012, Sindelfingen. Elektronikpraxis, S. 653-658. ISBN 978-3-8343-2407-8.(2012)
Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Abke Jörg, Diethelm Ira
Research Approach to Analyse and Foster Discipline-Specific Language Competency in Software Engineering Education.Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Abu Dhabi, VAE, 2016. IEEE, S. 652-659. ISBN 978-1-4673-8633-3. DOI 10.1109/EDUCON.2016.7474619.(2016)
Klopp Marco, Haak Valentin, Abke Jörg
The Influence of School on Heterogeneity of Knowledge in Informatics in the Study.Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Santa Cruz (Teneriffa), Kanaren, Spanien, 2018. IEEE, S. 503-508.(2018)
Klopp Marco
Work-in-Progress: Learning Culture of Generation Z in Informatics.Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Porto, Portugal (Online-Conference), 2020, IEEE, S. 1589-1593.(2020)
Klopp Marco, Abke Jörg
‘Learning 4.0‘ – A Conceptual Discussion.International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Wollongong, Australien, 2018. IEEE, S. 679-684.(2018)
Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Diethelm Ira, Abke Jörg
A Mixed Methods Research Agenda to Identify Undergraduate Misconceptions in Software Engineering, Lecturers' Handling, and Didactical Implications.Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Seoul, South Korea (in Erscheinung).
Jahn Sabrina, Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Reuter Rebecca, Mottok Jürgen, Abke Jörg
Secure Software Engineering in Academic Education: Students' Preconceptions of IT Security.Proceedings of the 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI) 2019, Seville, Spain. S. 6825-6834. ISBN 978-84-09-14755-7.(2019)
Gold-Veerkamp Carolin
A Software Engineer's Competencies: Undergraduate Preconceptions in Contrast to Teaching Intentions.Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, Hawai'i, USA, 2019. S. 7789-7797. ISBN 978-0-9981331-2-6. (http://hdl.handle.net/10125/60217)(2019)
Reuter Rebecca, Hauser Florian, Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Stark Theresa, Kis Juliane, Mottok Jürgen, Abke, Jörg, Meyer Dany
Towards the Construction of a Questionnaire for the Identification of Learning Obstacles.Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Santa Cruz (Teneriffa), Kanaren, Spanien, 2018. IEEE, S. 463-472.(2018)
Gold-Veerkamp Carolin
Using Grounded Theory Methodology to Discover Undergraduates’ Preconceptions of Software Engineering.Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Santa Cruz (Teneriffa), Kanaren, Spanien, 2018. IEEE, S. 713-717.(2018)
Rücker Michael, Pancratz Nils, Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Pinkwart Niels, Brinda Torsten
Workshop zu Alltagsvorstellungen in der Informatik: Erhebungsmethodik und Implikationen für den Unterricht.Diethelm, Ira (Hrsg.): Informatische Bildung zum Verstehen und Gestalten der digitalen Welt (INFOS), Oldenburg, 2017. S. 393-401. ISBN 978-3-88579-668-8.(2017)
Reuter Rebecca, Hauser Florian, Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Mottok Jürgen, Abke Jörg
Towards a Definition and Identification of Learning Obstacles in Higher Software Engineering Education.EDULEARN17, Barcelona, Spanien, 2017. S. 10259-10267. ISBN 978-84-697-3777-4.(2017)
Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Abke Jörg, Diethelm Ira
What About Misconceptions in Software Engineering?Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Athen, Griechenland, 2017. IEEE, S. 704-708. ISBN 978-1-5090-5466-4. DOI 10.1109/EDUCON.2017.7942925.(2017)
Degener Pascal, Haak Valentin, Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Abke Jörg
Towards the Vision of an LMS Integrated, Browser-Based Simulation to Program LEGO MindStorms EV3s in ANSI-C.Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Dubai, VAE, 2019. IEEE, S. 96-101.(2019)
Haak Valentin, Abke Jörg, Borgeest Kai
Work-in-Progress: Development of a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Simulation for Programming in C.21th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), Kos, Griechenland, 2018. Springer, S. 1870-1877.(2018)
Haak Valentin, Abke Jörg, Borgeest Kai
Conception of a LEGO® Mindstorms EV3 Simulation for Programming in C.Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Santa Cruz (Teneriffa), Kanaren, Spanien, 2018. IEEE, S. 484-489.(2018)
Rodriguez Perez Simón, Fatoum Ahmad, Abke Jörg
Toolchain zur ANSI-C Programmierung des Lego Mindstorms EV3 in der Hochschullehre.Ulrike Lucke et al. (Hrsg.): Die 14. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2016. S. 323-325. ISBN 978-3-88579-656-5.(2016)
Rodriguez Perez Simón, Fatoum Ahmad, Abke Jörg
Development of an Eclipse Plugin for Using the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 in Education.Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Abu Dhabi, VAE, 2016. IEEE, S. 631-636. ISBN 978-1-4673-8633-3. DOI 10.1109/EDUCON.2016.7474616.(2016)
Rodriguez Perez Simón, Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Abke Jörg, Borgeest Kai
A New Didactic Method for Programming in C for Freshmen Students Using LEGO Mindstorms EV3.World Engineering Education Forum 2015, 18th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning and 43rd International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, Firenze, Italy, 2015. IEEE, S. 911-914. ISBN 978-1-4799-8707-8. DOI 10.1109/ICL.2015.7318148.(2015)
Rodriguez Perez Simón, Abke Jörg, Gold Carolin, Borgeest Kai
Ein neues Lehr-/Lernarrangement als Einstieg in die C-Programmierung mittels LEGO Mindstorms EV3 (Poster).HD Mint Symposium 2015, Nürnberg.(2015)
Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Klopp Marco, Stegmann Patricia, Abke Jörg
An Evaluation of Competency-Oriented Instructional Tasks for Internal Differentiation in Basics of Programming.21th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), Kos, Griechenland, 2018. Springer, S. 865-874.(2018)
Klopp Marco, Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Stegmann Patricia, Abke Jörg
Using Competency-Oriented Instructional Tasks for Internal Differentiation in Informatics.Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference Software Engineering Education (ECSEE), Kloster Seeon, 2018. ACM, S. 26-33.(2018)
Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Klopp Marco, Abke Jörg
Pair Programming as a Didactical Approach in Higher Education and its Evaluation.Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Dubai, VAE, 2019. IEEE, S. 1090-1097.(2019)
Klopp Marco, Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Kuhn Martina, Abke Jörg
Can Pair Programming Address Multidimensional Issues in Higher Education?Auer, Michael E.; Guralnick, David & Simonics, Istvan (Hrsg.): Teaching and Learning in a Digital World – Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning. Cham (CH): Springer International Publishing, 2018, S. 479-506. ISBN 978-3-319-73210-7.(2018)
Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Klopp Marco, Stegmann Patricia, Abke Jörg
An Evaluation of Competency-Oriented Instructional Tasks for Internal Differentiation in Basics of Programming.21th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), Kos, Griechenland, 2018. Springer, S. 865-874.(2018)
Klopp Marco, Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Stegmann Patricia, Abke Jörg
Using Competency-Oriented Instructional Tasks for Internal Differentiation in Informatics.Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference Software Engineering Education (ECSEE), Kloster Seeon, 2018. ACM, S. 26-33.(2018)
Klopp Marco, Haak Valentin, Abke Jörg
The Influence of School on Heterogeneity of Knowledge in Informatics in the Study.Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Santa Cruz (Teneriffa), Kanaren, Spanien, 2018. IEEE, S. 503-508.(2018)
Klopp Marco, Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Abke Jörg, Boorgest Kai, Reuter Rebecca, Jahn Sabrina, Mottok Jürgen, Sedelmaier Yvonne, Lehmann Alexander, Landes Dieter
Totally Different and yet so Alike – Three Concepts to Use Scrum in Higher Education.Proceedings of the 4th European Conference Software Engineering Education (ECSEE), Kloster Seeon, 2020.(2020)
Klopp Marco
Teaching Generic Competences in Software Engineering via E-Learning.International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Yogyakarta, Indonesien, 2019. IEEE, S. 758-765.(2019)
Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Kaelberer Nina, Kuhn Martina, Abke Jörg
A Validated Educational Format in Software Engineering Targeting Students’ Collaboration Skills.G. Meiselwitz (Ed.): Social Computing and Social Media (8th International Conference, SCSM 2016; Held as Part of HCI International 2016; Toronto, ON, Canada, July 17–22, 2016; Proceedings), 2016. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, S. 335-346. ISBN 978-3-319-39910-2.(2016)
Kuhn Martina, Gold Carolin, Abke Jörg
A New Problem Based Blended Learning Approach in Software Engineering.Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Tallinn, Estland, 2015. IEEE, S. 920-925. ISBN 978-1-4799-1908-6. DOI 10.1109/EDUCON.2015.7096083.(2015)
Abke Jörg, Gold Carolin, Kälberer Nina, Kuhn Martina
Collaborative Knowledge Transfer via Wiki: A Project Based Learning Approach in Software Engineering.International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), Dubai, VAE, 2014. IEEE, S. 283-288. ISBN 978-1-4799-4438-5. DOI 10.1109/ICL.2014.7017785.(2014)
Abke Jörg, Gold Carolin, Kälberer Nina, Kuhn Martina
Analyses and Evaluation of Educational Data Gained from a Learning Management System.European Conference Software Engineering Education (ECSEE), Seeon, 2014. Aachen: Shaker. S. 93-107. ISBN 978-3-8440-3067-9.(2014)
Kuhn Martina, Gold Carolin, Kälberer Nina, Kraus Christian, Abke Jörg
Eine Wiki-Plattform als kollaboratives Kommunikations- und Lernmedium im Software Engineering: Einsatz und Evaluation.Grundfragen Multimedialen Lehrens und Lernens (GML²). 2014, Berlin: Waxmann. S. 334-336. ISBN 978-3-8309-3106-5.(2014)
Abke Jörg, Gold Carolin, Roznawski Nina, Schwirtlich Vincent, Sedelmaier Yvonne
A New Approach to Collaborative Learning in Software Engineering Focussed on Embedded Systems.International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), Kazan, Russland, 2013. IEEE, S. 610-616. ISBN 978-1-4799-0153-1. DOI 10.1109/ICL.2013.6644663.(2013)
Abke Jörg, Schwirtlich Vincent, Sedelmaier Yvonne
Kompetenzförderung im Software Engineering durch ein mehrstufiges Lehrkonzept im Studiengang Mechatronik.Axel Schmolitzky, Detlef Rick und Peter Forbrig (Hrsg.): HDI 2012 – Informatik für eine nachhaltige Zukunft. 5. Fachtagung zur Hochschuldidaktik der Informatik, 06.-07. November 2012, Universität Hamburg. Potsdam: Univ.-Verl. Potsdam (Commentarii informaticae didacticae(CID), S. 79-84.(2012)
Gold-Veerkamp Carolin
Erhebung von Soll-Kompetenzen im Software Engineering: Anforderungen an Hochschulabsolventen aus industrieller Perspektive (BestMasters).Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg. ISBN: 978-3658119690.
Gold Carolin, Abke Jörg, Sedelmaier Yvonne
A Retrospective Course Survey of Graduates to Analyse Competencies in Software Engineering.Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Istanbul, Türkei, 2014. IEEE, S. 100-106. ISBN 978-1-4799-3190-3. DOI 10.1109/EDUCON.2014.6826075.(2014)
Bergande Bianca, Weilemann Erica, Brune Philipp
Exploring students perspectives on learning by teachingJournal of Applied Research in Higher Education, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JARHE-05-2019-0112 (2020).
Bianca Bergande, Anna Petrikoglou, Theodoros H. Kaskalis, Philipp Brune
CodeTripping: Towards Mastering App Development Using a Web-based Learning Tool. A Case Study.Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Software Engineering Education (ECSEE ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 47–51. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3396802.3396803 (2020)
Martin Anne, Bergande Bianca, Meissner Roy
Evaluating the Acceptance of Blended-Learning Tools: a Case Study using SlideWiki Presentation Rooms.´A. Rocha et al. (Eds.): WorldCIST 2020, AISC 1161, pp. 1–10, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-45697-9_14 (2020)
Schwarzmann Andreas, Landes Dieter, Sedelmaier Yvonne
About the Effectiveness of Different Game Design Elements for an Introductory Programming Course.49nd International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy / 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL). IEEE, im Erscheinen. (2020)
Introductory Programming; Gamification; Game Design Elements; Game Features; Self-Determination Theory; Psychological Need Satisfaction; Intrinsic Motivation
Klopp Marco, Gold-Veerkamp Carolin, Abke Jörg, Borgeest Kai, Reuter Rebecca, Jahn Sabrina, Mottok Jürgen, Sedelmaier Yvonne, Lehmann Alexander, Landes Dieter
Totally Different and yet so Alike – Three Concepts to Use Scrum in Higher Education.European Conference of Software Engineering Education (ECSEE 2020). ACM, S. 12-21. (2020)
Agile Methods; Scrum; Software Process Model; Higher Education
Sedelmaier Yvonne
Podstawy dydaktyki dla inżynierii oprogramowania.Rozwój i ocena oparte na badaniach naukowych i zorientowane na zastosowanie. Saarbrücken: Globe Edit. (2020)
Waibel Nico, Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Using Learning Styles to Accommodate for Heterogeneous Groups of Learners in Software Engineering.11th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2020). IEEE, S. 819-826. (2020)
Heterogeneity; learning styles; Unified Modelling Language; higher education; didactics; Kolb; software engineering; group learning
Reuter Rebecca, Stark Theresa, Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter, Mottok Jürgen, Wolff Christian
Insights in Students’ Problems during UML Modelling.11th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2020). IEEE, S. 592-600. (2020)
UML; UML problems; software engineering; visual notation; higher education
Sedelmaier Yvonne
Основы дидактики для программной инженерииРазработка и оценка, ориентированные на исследования и практическое применение. Riga: Palmarium Academic Publishing.(2019)
Sedelmaier Yvonne
Nozioni di base della didattica per l’ingegneria del softwareSviluppo e valutazione basati sulla ricerca e orientati all’applicazione. Saarbrücken: Edizioni Accademiche Italiane. (2019)
Sedelmaier Yvonne
Grondbeginselen van de didactiek voor software engineeringOp onderzoek gebaseerde en toepassingsgerichte ontwikkeling en evaluatie. Saarbrücken: Globe Edit. (2019)
Sedelmaier Yvonne
Notions de base de didactique pour le génie logicielDéveloppement et évaluations axé sur la recherché et l’application. Saarbrücken: Éditions Universitaires Européennes.(2019)
Sedelmaier Yvonne
Basics of didactics for software engineeringResearch-based and application-oriented development and evaluation. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing. (2019)
Sedelmaier Yvonne
Fundamentos de la didáctica de la ingenería del softwareDesarrollo y evaluacíon y orientados a la aplicación. Saarbrücken: Editorial Académica Espanola.(2019)
Sedelmaier Yvonne
Noções básicas de didáctica de engenharia de softwareDesenvolvimento e avaliação e orientados para a aplicação. Saarbrücken: Novas Edições Acadêmicas. (2019)
Sedelmaier Yvonne
Clarifying the effects of Digitalization on (Higher) EducationLuis Gómez Chova, Agustín López Martínez und Ignacio Candel Torres (Hg.): 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN). IATED, S. 8114–8121. (2019)
Leisner Michael, Brune Philipp
Good-Bye Localhost: A Cloud-Based Web IDE for Teaching Java EE Web Development to Non-Computer Science Majors.2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings (ICSE-Companion). IEEE Press Piscataway, NJ, USA, Montreal, QC, Canada, Canada, pp. 268-269. ISBN 978-1-7281-1764-5 (2019)
Anne Gressmann, Erica Weilemann, Dany Meyer, Bianca Bergande.
Nao Robot vs. Lego Mindstorms - The Influence on the Intrinsic Motivation of Computer Science Non-Majors.19th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling ’19), November 21–24, 2019, Koli, Finland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages. (2019)
Brian Jannik Eiband, Bianca Bergande, Angela Schedel, Philipp Brune.
Game of Codes: Towards Learning Java by an Educational Mobile Game Adapted to Female Programming Novices.Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE ’19), April 15–17, 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2 pages. (2019)
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter, Kuhn Martina
Better Understanding Fundamental Computer Science Concepts Through Peer Review.Michael E. Auer und Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos (Hg.): The Challenges of the Digital Transformation in Education. Volume 2. Cham: Springer International Publishing. S. 64–75.(2019)
computer science education; didactics; peer review; freshmen students; higher education
Henschel Lisa
Competence Assessment and Competence Reflection in Software Engineering Education.5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’19), Valencia, Spanien, 29-36, DOI: 10.4995/HEAd19.2019.9351 (2019)
Competence Assessment; Reflection; Competence Development
Henschel Lisa, Schulz Kristina
A “Competence Atlas” as an Instrument in Software Engineering Education.11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 19), Palma de Mallorca, Spanien, 2019, 8213-8222, DOI:10.21125/edulearn.2019.2031. (2019)
Competence Profile; Competence Atlas; Software Engineering
Lehmann Alexander
Problem tagging and solution-based video recommendations in learning video environments.5th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2019), Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, 2019, 376-384. (2019)
video learning; problem tagging; learning video environments; learning obstacles; anonymous feedback; adaptive learning
Bianca Bergande, Philipp Brune.
Are Barcamps a Format for Interactive Software Engineering Education?: When Students Meet Developers: A Teaching Experiment.Proceedings of ICSE Gothenburg conference (ICSE 2017). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 10, 3 pages. (2018).
Dany Meyer, Bianca Bergande, Dominik Seyser.
Yes We CAN: A Low-Cost Approach To Simulate Real-World Automotive Platforms In Systems Engineering Education for Non-Computer Science Majors.Proceedings of 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), IEEE (2018)
Sarah Müller, Bianca Bergande, Philipp Brune
Robot Tutoring: On the Feasibility of Using Cognitive Systems as Tutors in Introductory Programming Education: A Teaching Experiment.ECSEE’18: European Conference of Software Engineering Education 2018, June 14–15, 2018, Seeon/ Bavaria, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages. (2018)
E. Weilemann, P. Brune, D. Meyer
Geek Toys for Non-Techies? Using Robots in Introductory Programming Courses for Computer Science Non-MajorsProceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2016, pp. 31-40, Kauai, Hawaii, USA (2016).17-20 April, 2018, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. ©2018 IEEE, 10 Pages. (2018)
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter, Kuhn Martina
Better Understanding Fundamental Computer Science Concepts through Peer Review.47nd International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy / 21th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL). IEEE, S. 928-939.(2018)
computer science education; didactics; peer review; freshmen students; higher education
Hagel Georg, Müller-Amthor Martina, Landes Dieter, Sedelmaier Yvonne
Involving Customers in Requirements Engineering Education: Mind the Goals!Jürgen Mottok und Georg Hagel (Hg.): 3rd European Conference Software Engineering Education (ECSEE), ACM Press, S. 113–121.(2018)
Requirements engineering; Customer involvement; Best Practice; Higher education; Intended learning outcomes; Goals
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Active Learning of Software Project and Quality Management.9th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2018). IEEE, S. 1077-1085.(2018)
software quality management; software project management; education; active and inductive learning
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Systematic Evolution of a Learning Setting for Requirements Engineering Education based on Competence-Oriented Didactics.9th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2018). IEEE, S. 1068-1076.(2018)
requirements engineering education; didactical approach; inductive learning; active learning; higher education
Henschel Lisa, Landes Dieter, Sedelmaier Yvonne
A Didactical Concept for Supporting Reflection in Software Engineering Education.9th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2018). IEEE, S. 553-560.(2018)
requirements engineering education; didactical approach; inductive learning; active learning; higher education
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Innovatives Requirements Engineering – ohne den Menschen?Softwaretechnik-Trends (Gesellschaft für Informatik), 38 (1), S. 35-36.(2018)
Requirements Engineering; Trends; Software Engineering
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Digitalisierung, Software Engineering und Bildung im Wechselspiel.Epple, Philipp (Hg.): Digitalisierung. (Zwischen den Welten Band 13). Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, S. 145-158.(2018)
Digitalisierung; Bildung; Software Engineering; Kompetenzen; Future Skills
Lehmann Alexander
A Documentation Approach for Higher Educationeducation documentation; documentation patterns
Reißing R
Zimmer mit Aussicht – Systematische Gestaltung einer Informatik-Lehrveranstaltung von den Lernzielen bis zur Prüfung.Didaktiknachrichten 06/2018, Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik Bayern, Ingolstadt, 2018, 52-65.(2018)
Weilemann Erica, Philipp Brune.
Learning Core Concepts of Business Information Systems Engineering by TeachingLessons Learned from a Comparative Teaching Experiment, in Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, 1 (569), pp. 917-926, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-56534-7. WorldCIST 2017, Porto Santo, Portugal (2017).
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
What Makes a Good Requirements Engineer in the Age of Digitization?8th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2017). IEEE, S. 230-238. (2017)
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Interdisziplinäre Fachdidaktik für Software Engineering - Begründung der Notwendigkeit und Forschungsdesign zur Entwicklung.Görtler, Michael; Bauer, Stefanie; Ellner, Heidi; Oeder, Kathrin und Scheffel, Markus (Hg.): Subjektorientierung, Lehren und Lernen. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, S. 179–200.(2017)
Didaktik; Fachdidaktik; Software Engineering; Hochschuldidaktik; Interdisziplinär; Kompetenzen; Kompetenzbewertung; Evaluation
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Experiences in Teaching and Learning Requirements Engineering on a Sound Didactical Basis.22nd Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2017), ACM, S. 116-121.(2017)
Requirements engineering education; competence-oriented didactics; higher education; student learning
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Gutes Requirements Engineering kann jeder?Softwaretechnik-Trends (Gesellschaft für Informatik), 37 (2), S. 8-9.(2017)
Requirements engineering education; competence-oriented didactics; higher education; student learning; Ausbildung; Hochschulbildung; Didaktik; Hochschuldidaktik; Lehrmethoden
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
How Can We Find out What Makes a Good Requirements Engineer in the Age of Digitization?International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 7 (3), S. 147-164.(2017)
requirements engineering; competence; competence profile; digitalization; education; didactics
Sedelmaier Yvonne
Innovative Lehre im Software Engineering.Krahl, Jürgen; Löffl, Josef (Hg.): ZukunftsDesign - Offen. Innovativ. MACHEN. (Zwischen den Welten Sonderband 2). Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, S. 160-167.(2017)
Lehre; Hochschullehre; Didaktik; Software Engineering; Komplexität; überfachliche Kompetenzen; kompetenzorientierte Lehre
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
How Can We Find Out What Makes a Good Requirements Engineer in the Age of Digitization?8th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2017). IEEE, S. 230-238.(2017)
requirements engineering; competence; competence profile; digitalization; education; didactics
P. Figas, A. Bartel, M. Ebert, M. Müller-Amthor, E. Weilemann, P. Brune, G. Hagel
Learning Programming Languages through Input-Providing TasksProceedings of the IEEE Engineering Education Conference (IEEE Educon) 2016, pp. 419-424, Abu Dhabi, UAE (2016).
Sedelmaier Yvonne
Grundlagen einer Fachdidaktik für Software Engineering.Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften.(2016)
Fachdidaktik; Hochschuldidaktik; Didaktik; Software Engineering; Kompetenzorientierte Didaktik; Kompetenzorientierung; Evaluation; überfachliche Kompetenzen
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Messung studentischer Kompetenzen zur Evaluation der Software Engineering-Ausbildung an Hochschulen - SECAT: A Software Engineering Competency Assessment Tool.die hochschullehre 2 (7), S. 1–21. Online verfügbar unter http://www.hochschullehre.org/wp-content/files/diehochschullehre_2016_sedelmaier_landes.pdf, zuletzt geprüft am 15.11.2016.(2016)
Kompetenzbewertung; Fachdidaktik Software Engineering; Evaluation; Kompetenzorientierung; Lehrqualität
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Schlüsselqualifikationen in der Ausbildung des Software Engineering – ein Dilemma und ein möglicher Ausweg.Heinrich C. Mayr und Martin Pinzger (Hg.): Informatik 2016. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) (Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-259), S. 1055-1058.(2016)
Schlüsselqualifikationen; Kompetenzen; Hochschullehre; berufliche Bildung
Sedelmaier Yvonne
Interdisziplinäre Fachdidaktik für Software Engineering – Forschungsbasierte Entwicklung und Evaluation eines anwendungsbezogenen didaktischen Ansatzes.Dissertation, Bamberg: opus.(2016)
Fachdidaktik; Hochschuldidaktik; Didaktik; Software Engineering; Kompetenzorientierte Didaktik; Kompetenzorientierung; Evaluation; überfachliche Kompetenzen;
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Evaluating Didactical Approaches Based upon Students’ Competences.7th Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). IEEE, S. 527–536.(2016)
competences; assessment of competences; evaluation of didactical approaches; didactical approach; evaluation; software engineering; software engineering education; non-technical skills
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
A Software Modelling Course at the Age of Three.An Application of Competence-Oriented Didactics. In: Jürgen Mottok und Georg Hagel (Hg.): 2nd European Conference Software Engineering Education (ECSEE), Aachen: Shaker, S. 131–142.(2016)
software engineering education; didactical approach; inductive learning; active learning; higher education; requirements engineering;
Landes Dieter, Sedelmaier Yvonne
EVELIN – Experimentelle Verbesserung des Lernens von Software Engineering.Franz Waldherr und Claudia Walter (Hg.): Forum der Lehre. Hochschule Coburg, S. 48–53.(2016)
Hochschullehre; Hochschuldidaktik; Software Engineering; Fachdidaktik; Didaktik; Kompetenzorientierung; überfachliche Kompetenzen
E. Janke P. Brune, S. Wagner
Does Outside-In Teaching Improve the Learning of Object-Oriented Programming?Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2015, pp. 408-417, Florence, Italy (2015).
Weilemann Erica, Philipp Brune.
Less Distress With a Scrum Mistress? On the Impact of Females in Agile Software Development TeamsProceedings of the Australasian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC) 2015, pp. 3-7, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2015).
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
A Competence-Oriented Approach to Subject-Matter Didactics for Software Engineering.International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 5 (3), S. 34–44.(2015)
Competence-Oriented Subject-Matter Didactics; Didactic Analysis; General Didactics; Software Engineering Education; Systematic Course Design
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Active and Inductive Learning in Software Engineering Education.37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). IEEE, S. 418–427.(2015)
software engineering education; didactical approach; inductive learning; active learning; higher education
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Ein mehrstufiges Lehrkonzept für RE.Douglas W. Cunningham (Hg.): Informatik 2015. Bonn: Köllen (GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics Proceedings, 246), S. 619–620.(2015)
aktive Lehrformen; induktive Lehrformen; Didaktik; Anforderungserhebung; reale Stakeholder
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
SWEBOS - The Software Engineering Body of Skills.International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 5 (1), S. 12–19.(2015)
Software Engineering Education; Soft Skills in Software Engineering; Non-Technical Skills; Description of Competencies; SWEBOK
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Towards a Better Understanding of Learning Mechanisms in Information Systems Education. A Competence-Oriented Approach to Subject-Matter Didactics.6th Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). IEEE, S. 418–427.(2015)
Systematic course design; Competence-Oriented Didactic; Didactic Analysis; Software Engineering Education; General Didactics; Pedagogy
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Überfachliche Kompetenz im Software Engineering - Modellierung, Förderung und Messung in der Hochschulausbildung.Ulrich Riegel, Sigrid Schubert, Gesa Siebert-Ott und Klaas Macha (Hg.): Kompetenzmodellierung und -messung in den Fachdidaktiken. Münster: Waxmann, S. 111–130.(2015)
Kompetenzen; überfachliche Kompetenzen; qualitative Forschungsmethoden; Kompetenzprofil; Software Engineering; Software Engineering Body of Skills
Reißing R.
Lehren und Prüfen im Requirements Engineering am Beispiel eines Master-Kurses für Ingenieure.Workshop Studentische Ausbildung und Weiterbildung in Anforderungsspezifikationen (SAGWAS), Oktober 2015, Cottbus. In: Cunningham, D.; Hofstedt, P.; Meer, K.; Schmitt, I. (Hrsg.): Informatik 2015. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2015, 623-624.(2015)
Requirements Engineering; Just-in-Time-Teaching; kompetenzorientiertes Prüfen
Stubner B., Gast S., Rost A., Reißing R.
Weiterentwicklung von kompetenzorienterten Prüfungsformen im MINT-Masterstudiengang (WEITERKOMMEN-MINT).2. HDMINT Symposium, September 2015, Nürnberg, 175-180.(2015)
P. Brune, M. Leisner, E. Janke
Towards an Easy-to-Use Web Application Server and Cloud PaaS for Web Development Education.Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2014), Paris, France (2014).
A. Scherer, E. Janke, P. Brune
Smartphone as a Teacher: Towards Interactive Game-Based Learning using Mobile Devices in Introductory Programming EducationProceedings of the European Conference on Software Engineering Education (ECSEE) 2014, pp. 229-233, KlosterSeeon, Germany (2014).
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
A Multi-Level Didactical Approach to Build up Competencies in Requirements Engineering.Birgit Penzenstadler, Sarah Gregory und Dieter Landes (Hg.): 8th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering Education & Training (REET 2014), 22nd International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE 2014). CEUR Workshop Proceedings vol. 1217, S. 26–34. (2014)
requirements engineering; problem awareness; methodological skills; competencies; personal skills; real customers
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
A Multi-Perspective Framework for Evaluating Software Engineering Education by Assessing Students' Competencies. SECAT - A Software Engineering Competency Assessment Tool.44th Frontiers in Education (FIE). IEEE, S. 2065–2072.(2014)
software engineering; software engineering education; assessment and evaluation approaches; quality of teaching and learning; didactical approaches; evaluation of didactical approaches; competence-orientation; SECAT
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Practicing Soft Skills in Software Engineering.Liguo Yu (Hg.): Overcoming Challenges in Software Engineering Education: IGI Global, S. 161–179.(2014)
Software Engineering Education; Project based Learning; Problem based Learning; Teamwork; Team; soft skills; non-technical skills
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Software Engineering Body of Skills.5th Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). IEEE, S. 395–401.(2014)
Software Engineering Education; Soft Skills in Software Engineering; Non-Technical skills; competencies; description of competencies
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
Using Business Process Models to Foster Competencies in Requirements Engineering.27th International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T). IEEE, S. 13–22.(2014)
requirements engineering education; higher education; didactics; competences; business process models
Figas Paula, Knörl Susanne, Mörtlbauer Stefanie, Sedelmaier Yvonne, Schroll-Decker Irmgard
Developing Software Engineering Education as a Didactical Discipline in its own right.Georg Hagel und Jürgen Mottok (Hg.): 1st European Conference Software Engineering Education (ECSEE). Aachen: Shaker, S. 1–15.(2014)
Fachdidaktik; didactics; software engineering; higher education
Gold Carolin, Sedelmaier Yvonne, Abke Jörg
A Retrospective Course Survey of Graduates to Analyse Competencies in Software Engineering.5th Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). IEEE, S. 100–106.(2014)
course evaluation; graduates; labour market; competencies; Software Engineering
E. Janke, P. Brune, R. Studt
Exposing Students to the UnfamiliarImproving Software Engineering Teaching in Non-Major Computer Science Programs, in Proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 2013, pp. 1294-1298, Berlin, Germany (2013).
Sedelmaiker Yvonne, Landes Dieter
A Research Agenda for Identifying and Developing Required Competencies in Software Engineering.International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 3. (2), S. 30–35. DOI: 10.3991/ijep.v3i2.2448.(2013)
Software engineering education; academic education; research agenda; grounded theory; didactics; subject didactic software engineering; teaching methodology; soft skills; competencies; research design; curriculum; lifelong learning
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Abke Jörg, Schwirtlich Vincent
Kompetenzförderung im Software Engineering durch ein mehrstufiges Lehrkonzept im Studiengang Mechatronik.Axel Schmolitzky, Detlef Rick und Peter Forbrig (Hg.): HDI 2012 – Informatik für eine nachhaltige Zukunft. 5. Fachtagung zur Hochschuldidaktik der Informatik. Potsdam: Universitäts-Verlag, S. 79–84.(2013)
Kompetenzförderung; Hochschullehre; Lehr-Lern-Konzept
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Claren Sascha, Landes Dieter
Welche Kompetenzen benötigt ein Software Ingenieur?Andreas Spillner und Horst Lichter (Hg.): Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen 2013 (SEUH). CEUR Workshop Proceedings vol. 956, S. 26–34.(2013)
Kompetenzen; Software Engineering; Kompetenzprofil
Abke Jörg, Gold Carolin, Roznawski Nina, Schwirtlich Vincent, Sedelmaier Yvonne
A new approach to collaborative learning in software engineering focussed on embedded systems.42nd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL). IEEE, S. 610–616.(2013)
software engineering; embedded systems; collaborative learning; EVELIN; new approach; learning; teaching; didactic; project work; team work; sift skills; communication skills; presentation skills; learning by teaching
E. Janke, A. Bartel, P. Figas, P. Brune, G. Hagel, M. Müller-Amthor
Die Lehre von Software Engineeringeine Erhebung der Anforderungen aus der Praxis, in Tagungsband Embedded Software Engineering Kongress, S. 683-689, Sindelfingen, Germany (2012).
Sedelmaier Yvonne, Landes Dieter
A Research Agenda for Identifying and Developing Required Competencies in Software Engineering.15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL); 41st International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy. IEEE, ohne Seitenangabe.(2012)
Software engineering educatio; academic education; research agenda; grounded theory; didactics; subject didactic software engineering; teaching methodology; soft skills; competencies; research design; curriculum; lifelong learning
Abke Jörg, Brune Philip, Haupt Wolfram, Hagel Georg, Landes Dieter, Mottok Jürgen, Niemetz, Michael et al.
EVELIN – ein Forschungsprojekt zur systematischen Verbesserung des Lernens von Software Engineering.Embedded Software Engineering (ESE). Sindelfingen, S. 653–658.(2012)
Hochschullehre; Hochschuldidaktik; Software Engineering; Fachdidaktik; Didaktik; Kompetenzorientierung; überfachliche Kompetenzen
Claren Sascha, Sedelmaier Yvonne
Ein Kompetenzrahmenmodell für Software Engineering.Ein Schema zur Beschreibung von Kompetenzen. In: Embedded Software Engineering (ESE). Sindelfingen, S. 647–652.(2012)
Kompetenzbeschreibung; Kompetenzmodell; Kompetenzniveau
Landes Dieter, Sedelmaier Yvonne, Pfeiffer Volkhard, Mottok Jürgen, Hagel Georg
Learning and teaching software process models.3rd Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). IEEE, S. 1153–1160.(2012)
Software engineering didactics; Learning arrangements for software engineering; Software process models; Unified Process; V-Model; SCRUM; Extreme Programming; Software engineering tools